Joy, Laughter and Incredibly Unique Magic

Joy, Laughter and Incredibly Unique Magic

Bring Meaningful Magic to colleagues, clients, supporters, students, friends & family!

Bring Wonder To Your World...

David Reed-Brown is an astounding and uplifting magician who gives people hope through the art of magic.

II. What kind of magic do you need?

We combine and customize these to meet your needs:

Stand-Up Shows
Strolling Magic
Grand Illusions

Formal Close-Up Shows
Virtual Online Shows
Teaching & Consultation

II. What kind of magic do you need?

We combine and customize these to meet your needs:

Stand-Up Shows

Strolling Magic

Grand Illusions

Formal Close-Up Shows

Virtual Online Shows

Teaching & Consultation

“David Reed-Brown is more than just a magician. Yes his magic is expert and entertaining and awe-inspiring, but the real magic is the… way in which he presents it. You leave his performances knowing that life itself is magical and filled with endless possibilities.”

David Friedman

“The true magic of Antonios is on Friday nights.  They host magician David Reed-Brown and children will love the magic tricks during dinner.”

– Kaitlyn Keegan, The Hartford Courant

Instructor Since 2018

David has studied at the most progressive and influential school of magic in the world since 1999.  Many magicians you see on TV have trained there.  In 2018 he was named an Instructor, one of the greatest honors of his life, for which he is deeply grateful. This means your guests will long-remember the magical experience you brought them. It will be strong and customized to your needs; with unique magic that few experience elsewhere.  Also, while the school is in Las Vegas, David continues living in Connecticut. Want to know more?

David connects you with the magic of your Life!

Think of David as a Magic Mirror. When audiences look in to experience the magic, time seems to slow and stop because they have arrived in a place of astounding wonder and awe. Looking deeper, people begin to remember that they are magical in ways they’d forgotten – perhaps since childhood. People reconnect with the magic of the things they love, the “Life Magic” of friends, family and our beautiful world. At the end of the show, adults say they feel they are 11 again, while children and teens are blown away by an experience they will remember for a lifetime!

Add Grand Illusions for Spectacular Energy!

  • I AM WOMAN, I FLY! – By her own power, in a stunning feat of mind over matter, a woman floats herself in the air!  This is a very empowering and beautiful grand finale.
  • HOUDINI TRANSPOSITION – Your honored guest magically appears to thunderous applause on stage where David was just seconds ago. Suddenly a whistle blows, and he’s at the back of the house standing on a ladder in the middle of the aisle!
  • Each for a small additional fee.

David connects you with the magic of your Life!

Think of David as a Magic Mirror. When audiences look in to experience the magic, time seems to slow and stop because they have arrived in a place of astounding wonder and awe. Looking deeper, people begin to remember that they are magical in ways they’d forgotten – perhaps since childhood. People reconnect with the magic of the things they love, the “Life Magic” of friends, family and our beautiful world. At the end of the show, adults say they feel like they are 11 again, while children and teens are blown away by an experience they will remember for a lifetime!

Add Grand Illusions for Spectacular Energy!

  • I AM WOMAN, I FLY! – By her own power, in a stunning feat of mind over matter, a woman floats herself in the air!  This is a very empowering and beautiful grand finale.
  • HOUDINI TRANSPOSITION – Your honored guest magically appears to thunderous applause on stage where David was just seconds ago. Suddenly a whistle blows, and he’s at the back of the house standing on a ladder in the middle of the aisle!
  • Each for a small additional fee.

What are they saying?

What are they saying?

“David’s real magic is not the amazing illusions he creates on stage, but the looks of wonder and joy he brings to faces of all ages in the audience.”

Bill Pere

Grammy Winner

“I levitated tonight! I have no idea how it happened… I was scared, but I survived – and that’s the main part of it. So, if you want to levitate at your next party, you need to contact David because it was #@$%& AWESOME!”

Courtney Davis

Vogue Model

“David Reed-Brown is a very fine magician, and he is not just a magician who tacked a message onto his show, nor is he a speaker who learned a little magic. Instead, David combines his experience as a compassionate community leader with a lifelong passion for magic to create presentations that engage, inform, and persuade audiences with a message customized to their needs.”

Robert Fellows


Motivational Speaker

Letterman, Donahue, PBS

The White House

“I recommend his uncanny presentation… slick… well- deserved raves… a clever Renaissance Man.”

Robert Cumming

Founder & Director,
Connecticut Gilbert
& Sullivan Society

Founder & Director,
Connecticut Gilbert
& Sullivan Society

Are you looking for a virtual entertainer?

“The show was incredible with a STANDING OVATION from the entire showroom! People are still raving!
Your warmth, humor and inspiration made us feel very grateful for the work we do. Thank you, again!”

– The Connecticut Town Clerks’ Association